Peningkatan Gizi Balita Melalui Pemberdayaan Keluarga Dalam Pencegahan Stunting

Keluarga BKB, Pencegahan Stunting


  • Siti Mulidah Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Semarang
  • Asrin Politeknik Kemenkes Semarang
  • Supadi Politeknik Kemenkes Semarang
  • Ulfah Agus Sukrillah Politeknik Kemenkes Semarang



BKB family, stunting prevention


Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem in toddlers which is characterized by a child's height being shorter than children of the same age. The results of the study stated that the public's knowledge, especially mothers, about the incidence of stunting in children was still low. The trend for the percentage of stunting toddlers in 2019 was 27.67%, while in Central Java it was 18.2%, Banjarsari Kidul Village was 25.2%. The purpose of community service is to mobilize active participation from all the potential that belongs to the community and the BKB family to jointly solve the problem of stunting in order to create a healthy society by utilizing Moringa leaves as raw material for nuggets as food. The benefits of community service felt by the community or family are that the community becomes healthy, happy, adds skills that can provide added economic value to the family or community, adds insight, innovation and knowledge of interesting and high nutritional value foods needed by stunting toddlers. The stages of implementing community service with assistance in handling stunting include health education, demonstrations of making nuggets made from moringa leaf flour, providing nutritional supplementary food for toddlers to families measuring the nutritional status of toddlers at the posyandu. The results of this community service activity are in accordance with the results of the counseling that the average score of community knowledge about stunting at the time of the pre-test was 10.43 and at the time of the post-test increased to 19.60. Although there are still 2 stunting toddlers found. Even so, health workers should continue to provide counseling and always monitor so that stunting is resolved and the public is aware of the health of their toddlers. It is hoped that a healthy family will be created and a golden and quality generation will be formed.




How to Cite

Mulidah, S., Asrin, Supadi, & Agus Sukrillah, U. (2023). Peningkatan Gizi Balita Melalui Pemberdayaan Keluarga Dalam Pencegahan Stunting: Keluarga BKB, Pencegahan Stunting. Jurnal Abdimas Multidisiplin, 2(1), 7–17.