Education on Giving ORS and Tempe Porridge to Toddlers with Diarrhea at Posyandu Mekar II

Education on Giving ORS and Tempe Porridge to Toddlers with Diarrhea at Posyandu Mekar II


  • Yulia Vanda Editia Poltekkes Ummi Khasanah Yogyakarta



Diarrhea, Toddlers, ORS, Tempeh Porridge, Mekar II



Diarrhea is still a problem in the world and in Indonesia itself. WHO data in 2017. Explains that every year there are around 1.7 billion cases of diarrhea worldwide and in the same time frame. Toddlers often experience diarrhea because their immune systems are still weak. How to deal with diarrhea can be done by giving ORS and tempeh porridge so that the goal of overcoming diarrhea in toddlers can be overcome. integrated service post Mekar II is located in Kuwiran Hamlet, Dukuh Babadan, Bantul District, with a high number of diarrhea cases and mothers who do not understand how to treat diarrhea properly. Through public education about giving ORS and tempeh porridge, it is hoped that it can increase the knowledge of mothers under five about how to handle diarrhea. Ummi Khasanah Poltekkes community service activities through education carried out by lecture or counseling methods. With the aim of educating the public to play an active role in overcoming diarrhea in toddlers in the region. Therefore, in this service, the Health Promotion study program conducts community service activities with education about ORS and tempeh porridge so that mothers of toddlers can deal with diarrhea in toddlers in Kuwiran Hamlet, integrated service post Mekar II Region


Keywords: Diarrhea, Toddlers, ORS, Tempeh Porridge, Mekar II

Author Biography

Yulia Vanda Editia, Poltekkes Ummi Khasanah Yogyakarta

Dosen Poltekkes Ummi Khasanah Yogyakarta



How to Cite

Editia, Y. V. (2023). Education on Giving ORS and Tempe Porridge to Toddlers with Diarrhea at Posyandu Mekar II: Education on Giving ORS and Tempe Porridge to Toddlers with Diarrhea at Posyandu Mekar II. Jurnal Abdimas Multidisiplin, 2(1), 30–35.