Program Kader Tanggap Tumbuh Kembang Anak (Pro Kata Kembang) Dalam Upaya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Bidang Tumbuh Kembang Anak Di Desa Tunggur Kecamatan Lembeyan Kabupaten Magetan
Pro Kata Kembang, Kader, Deteksi Tumbuh Kembang, Anak
Pro Words of Flower, Cadres, Development Detection, ChildrenAbstract
Children are a nation's asset for the future so their growth and development must be optimal. The government has made efforts to provide positive support for child development through the Child SDIDTK (Stimulation, Detection, Early Intervention on Growth and Development) program. Through this program, children's growth is monitored including weight, height and head circumference. Monitoring of developments includes checking progress with the KPSP (Pre-Screening Development Questionnaire), Visibility Test (TDL) and Hearing Test (TDD). Growth monitoring has been routinely carried out in conjunction with the implementation of posyandu, but the implementation of development monitoring has not been optimal. The results of observations and interviews in the Tunggur Village, Lembeyan District, growth monitoring has been good, but progress checks have not been optimal due to a lack of human resources (only 1 village midwife and 2 cadres). In Dukuh Village and Tunggur Village there has never been a comprehensive socialization of SDIDTK to cadres. PRO KAT KEMBANG (Child Development Response Cadre Program) is one of the efforts to increase monitoring not only growth monitoring but also monitoring of child development. The purpose of this activity is to form PRO KAT KEMBANG, Cadre Response Program for Growth and Development in the village of Tunggur, to increase the knowledge and skills of cadres in detecting child growth and development. The activity targets were health cadres in the two villages with a total of 40 participants. The activity method begins with the licensing stage, determining participants, opening activities and implementing activities. The implementation phase of the activity consists of delivering material (2x meetings, theory and practicum) which was carried out in June and continued with monitoring of child growth and development for 3 months (July, August, September 2022) then it is hoped that it will continue to examine children's growth and development independently by cadres. Theories cover the concepts of child growth and development, child nutrition, child health policy, the concept and detection of growth and development. Practicum includes detection of growth and development of children. The evaluation obtained from the results of the pre test and post test to evaluate the increase in knowledge obtained a significant increase with a mean pretest of 51.48 and a posttest of 96.95 with sig. 0,000 (Wilcoxon test), as well as 3 months of assistance to evaluate child growth and development examination activities. The output of the activity is the IPR regarding the rundown of Pro Kata Kembang activities with the IPR application number EC00202261878 already issued with the number 000377612; the coverage of child growth detection was 94.2%, while the coverage of child development detection by cadres was 83.6%. Determination of growth and development responsive cadres through the Decree of the Head of the Tunggur Village number 470/369/403.403.4/2022. Collaboration with PAUD teachers needs to be increased because when they enter PAUD age, children rarely go to posyandu.