
  • Rizki Kurniawan Fakultas hukum Universitas Gresik
  • Zakiah Noer Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gresik
  • Suyanto suyanto Fakultas hukum Universitas Gresik
  • abdul basid Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Gresik
  • Sylvia Setjoatdmadja Fakultas hukum Universitas Gresik
  • Ika Ayudyanti Fakultas hukum Universitas Gresik



UMKM, Kerupuk Mangrove, Pengolahan Limbah dan Minyak Jelantah


Economically, mangrove forests are widely used by the surrounding community in fulfilling their lives. However, the use of working land by factories around the village which is carried out unwisely and wisely where mangrove land is used without considering its carrying capacity often has a negative impact on the existence of mangrove forests. Mangrove forest being damaged in the end also has an impact on the work of certain community groups. Increasing the economy in the mangrove forest ecosystem is one approach in the sustainable use of the mangrove forest ecosystem. The application of the concept of ecotourism in mangrove forest ecosystems in general is expected to reduce the level of destruction of the area by the community and have an effect on increasing the economy. This concept is also the choice of the village head of Sukorejo in improving the economy of the surrounding community. In general, the people around Sukorejo Village work as fishermen with the characteristics of having a low level of education and an economic level that is still far from prosperous. To support their life, the mangrove forest must not only be protected but also must provide tangible benefits to them in terms of food supply and survival. One of the products that can be taken from the potential of daruju leaves is as crackers by SMEs in Sukorejo Village. This processed food made from deruju leaves has a distinctive taste and is useful as an anti-cancer agent. The production activities of MSMEs in Sukorejo Village produce Waste Cooking Oil which if used can have a bad impact on health. The need for processing waste cooking oil into aromatic candles is one of the right choices in suppressing the volume of used cooking oil. Thus, it is hoped that this product can become an icon of Sukorejo Village in improving the economy of Sukorejo Village, especially the community around the Sukorejo Mangrove Conservation Area.



How to Cite

Kurniawan, R., Noer, Z., suyanto, S., basid, abdul, Setjoatdmadja, S., & Ayudyanti, I. (2024). PENGEMBANGAN UMKM DESA SUKOREJO TERHADAP KERUPUK MANGROVE DAN PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH MINYAK JELANTAH. Jurnal Abdimas Multidisiplin, 3(3), 13–23.